Flexible & Dynamic Exports
for SA and QLD
Flexible & Dynamic Exports
for SA and QLD
The Flexible & Dynamic Exports Guide for Australia
Flexible Exports is a program in South Australia, that offers an innovative connection option for new or upgrading solar customers. It allows them to have flexible export limits instead of reduced fixed export limits in overloaded parts of the network. This program is designed to comply with the new Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP) guidelines.
In Queensland, a similar program called Dynamic Exports exists. The aim of both programs is to enable customers to have greater control over their energy exports and optimize their solar systems' performance.
To facilitate this dynamic export control, CATCH Power has developed an advanced solution that works with Energy QLD's servers and supports Flexible Exports in South Australia.
This cutting-edge system is currently compatible with single and split phase installations that use single or multiple single-phase inverters. The control unit for this system is the CATCH Control device.
Regardless of the brand of inverters you use, such as Sungrow, Fronius, Goodwe, GE, Growatt, Fimer, Huawei, or others, CATCH Control provides full coverage and control for your system[1]. It allows you to cluster inverters from multiple brands, control loads, and have access to live controlling features.
Additionally, the CATCH Control solution eliminates the need for a native energy meter[1]. By installing the CATCH Control device as the energy meter, you can unlock full control of your system in compliance with the Flexible Exports program[1].
Quick Links
Program Summary
Installation Instructions
Frequently asked Questions
What is the Program exactly?
Initially the program is all about allowing the Network operators to adjust the export limit of your customers solar, rather than the customer getting an export allowance that is set for the life of the installation, the customers export limit can potentially change every 15 minutes depending on what is happening on the network.
The DNSP's tell us this will be a better outcome for the customers, the idea is the customer will have a default export limit of 1.5kW, but the DNSP's can and will adjust that up to as high as 10kW when the network can support it.
Program Objectives
We at CATCH Power have been talking about this for years. For every system that is export tonnes of solar there is another system that will not be allowed to connect. The dynamic / Flexible exports program is an attempt to allow more solar into the Network. Rooftop Solar is the large source of electricity in the country and it is pretty much uncontrollable...untill now.
The Dynamic/Flexible exports program hasn't been designed to stop people export solar, it is designed to facilitate an even faster uptake in Solar.
The engineers that are working on the Dynamic/Flexible exports also have an eye on EV trends, just as Solar is starting to create stability problems in the network, EV chargers will do the same. EV chargers will become part of the flexible exports program in the near future.
How does a Solar Installation change?
There is only minimal change required. In many instances the only change is firmware updates and a little more configuration.
In South Australia there is a little more commissioning work required at the end of the installation.
For a Solar Installer most noticeable changes will be:
During Connection Approvals you will need to Specify you want a Dynamic Export connection.
You must choose inverters and associated technology that has been approved for Dynamic/Flexible Exports.
On the day of installation, you will need the customers NMI number. It is the NMI number that ties the solar installation back to the DNSP.
In most instances you can make your solar installations Dynamic/Flexible Exports capable simply by using the CATCH Solar Relay as the energy meter for your inverter.
What follows are the step by step instructions.
1. Installing the CATCH Solar Relay
The CATCH Solar Relay has many features including:
Can replace the existing energy meter for the inverter.
Can control any load to ensure it is maximizing the on-site solar.
Makes the Solar installation Capable of Supporting Dynamic/Flexible Exports
Find out more general information about the CATCH Solar Relay here [CATCH Solar Relay]
Read the Electricians Guide
The CATCH Solar Relay is a very versatile device, and will solve many of your installation challenges...but you need to know how to install it. The Guide will give you the knowledge needed to breeze through the installation.
2. Choose your method of Inverter Control
The CATCH Solar Relay has two methods of controlling the inverters export limit. Depending on the inverter one or both control schemes may be available.
RTU Control
This is the easiest method of control to setup. There isn't anything extra to do, simply use the CATCH Solar Relay as the energy meter. This method of control is supported by ALL inverters.

If RTU control is used the inverters native monitoring platform cannot be used. The owner of the system will need to use CATCH Powers MONOCLE monitoring platform.

RTU Control is not suitable for Hybrid Battery systems.
SUNSPEC over modbusTCP
This method of control is more sophisticated and supports all types of site configurations, including:
Multiple inverters on site.
Inverter Compatibility
For an updated list of compatible inverter brands please visit this link
Inverters-with-SCC-240704.pdf (cleanenergycouncil.org.au)
3. Connect the CATCH Relay as the Energy Meter
The CATCH Solar Relay should be the energy meter for the inverter when configuring a Dynamic/Flexible Exports site.
Each inverter has its own energy meter configuration.
The specific details for each inverters energy meter connection can be found in the tech docs under the Inverter Control section.